Invoice Terms
- Is it safe to make payment on your website?
Navenport uses Secure Sockets Layer technology (128 bit SSL Security or SSL) to provide you with the safest shopping experience. SSL technology enables the encryption (encryption) of sensitive information, including passwords and credit or debit card numbers, during your online transactions. All forms on our website are secured with SSL technology, keeping your personal information safe and out of malicious hands.
- We accept the following credit and debit cards:
- Paypal
- Google Pay
- Visa
- Mastercard
- American Express
- Diners Club
- Apple Pay
- How can I choose my payment method?
Please place the order directly and then go ahead. When you are on the checkout page, you will see the payment method will be displayed on this page, then you can choose which one you like.
- Will I receive a confirmation email after I make the payment?
Yes, once the payment is completed, you will receive a confirmation email from both our company and the company that accepts your payment method.
- Pricing:
Product prices are those indicated on the website and are subject to change without prior notice.
- Authorization of invoicing:
By providing your payment information, you authorize us to charge the indicated amount for your order.
- Changes to the conditions:
We reserve the right to change or update these billing terms at any time. The changes will become effective upon posting on our website.
Contact information: